Internship Questionnaire
What is My Fit in CLC?
A personal inventory as you prayerfully consider service in the Kingdom through CLC Ministries International
“CLCer’s are not perfect people, nor are we able to enlist the help of perfect people (there is no such person). But we do want our team members to see their gifts being optimally used while meeting the goals of CLC. If you can answer “Yes” to most of the following questions, we believe that you can have a meaningful mission experience with us. You may want to discuss these with your pastor, church elder, missions committee, or someone else who knows you well.
- Am I a Christian who has a growing relationship with the Lord?
- Am I able to use and apply God’s Word?
- Am I actively involved in a local church?
- Does my behavior reflect my commitment to sexual purity and personal holiness?
- Do I agree with What CLC Believes?
- Can I work in harmony with those who differ from me on points of doctrine or practices not covered by What CLC Believes, and not place undue emphasis on such?