Multi-Language Media

MultiLanguage Media (MLM) is CLC USA’s response to the tremendous need for foreign language Christian resources in America. Our warehouse now stocks Bibles, Christian books, and tracts in over 100 languages and is growing to meet the needs of immigrants, ESL groups, International Student ministries and local church outreaches to refugees who are arriving every day.
What Is Available?
New this month is the Behdini Kurdish New Testament, while the Haitian Study Bible or Bib Etid continues to be a popular new item. Praise God for these wonderful new Bibles! We carry a wide selection of Bibles and Christian books in languages as varied as Arabic, Burmese, Creole, French, Samoan, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Zulu and everything in between. There are full text Bibles, New Testaments and parallel Bibles available in many of these languages. In addition we have a large selection of ESL resources and books that can be used for evangelistic outreaches. One of our most popular titles is “A Look Inside America: Exploring America’s Cultural Values and Holidays“. We also have a growing list of FREE resources here! For more information on all that is available, please visit us at
How Can I Help?
- Volunteer
- Serve as a MLM missionary
- Tell your church about our resources
- Purchase resources for your ministry
- Donate funds to help us increase the number of Bible languages we carry and to keep the prices low.
- Pray that God will help us to serve as many people as possible