Myanmar Study Bible Launches

Jacob Mung with one of the authors of the Myanmar Study Bible
January 13th was a day that Jacob Mung, the CLC leader in Myanmar, had dreamed and prayed about for a long time. After years of hard work and many challenges along the way, the first Burmese language Study Bibles was made available in his country. This is no small accomplishment. It was not that many years ago that Christian books and Bibles were virtually non-existent in this Buddhist country. So much has changed now, and this new Bible promises to make a significant difference in the lives of those can finally use it. This project could not have been accomplished without the help of lots of partners and many donors around the world. The Langham Literature Trust was a big part of this effort as was the work of Martin Manser and Mike Beaumont in the UK. CLC USA will have this Bible for sale later in the year when our stock arrives. We look forward to supplying the needs of the Burmese speakers in North America. Would you consider giving funds to help us purchase and promote this vital new resource?
Click here to purchase the Burmese Study Bible on Multi-language Media.